A language disorder affects a person’s ability to understand language and communicate.


  • It occurs due to brain damage after stroke or accident, or from a slowly growing tumor or disease.
  • It can be of different types depending on the area of the brain affected.
  • They are Global Aphasia, Wernicke’s Aphasia, Broca’s Aphasia, where global is the most severe form.
  • Apart from language, there can also be difficulty in movement and vision.


  • Language consists of using short single words to grammatically incorrect sentences.
  • Some people communicate only in gestures or using some form of a communication board.
  • In Wernicke’s, the person’s ability to understand language is affected, although the expressive language is fluent but not meaningful. The trickiest to treat.
  • Some people have difficulty only in recalling names of things, people or places, resulting in Anomic aphasia.


  • Although it can’t be completely cured, Recovery is fastest in the first 3 months.
  • It is an Adult language disorder.
  • Aphasia is not the same as memory loss.
  • Recovery or progress also depends on the type of Aphasia.


  • Speech and language therapy to improve communication skills.
  • Physiotherapy to improve mobility
  • Psychological counseling to overcome anxiety or depression.

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