Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. The exact cause of autism is unknown. But early intervention leads to a better prognosis for the child.


  • Lack of eye contact and social smile
  • No turn-taking in play, prefer solitary play
  • Easily disturbed by the change in routine
  • Have sensory issues which make daily activities like brushing, cutting hair and nails
  • Difficulty progressing from semi-solid to a solid diet, can be a pricky eater, prefers certain textures and tastes.


  • Do not understand simple commands by 1 yr of age
  • Do not speak meaningful words by 1.6 yrs of age
  • Know their ABCs, shapes, colors but are unable to use true words for communication purpose
  • Lack of interest or motivation to communicate
  • Communication is need-based
  • Selective attention to music, rhymes, or ads but no response to their name


  • There can be a regression in social and language skills between 1.6 to 2.6 yrs of age
  • Excess screen time can contribute to increased severity of autism


  • Speech-language therapy improves the child’s ability to understand and use language, also helps parents improve the child’s motivation for communication.
  • Occupational therapy works on the child’s sensory issues thereby improving attention, sitting tolerance, and overall cognition
  • Swallowing therapy will improve a child’s ability to chew, progress to eating solid textures, and accept different varieties of food.

If you feel your child is showing any of the above concerns then do contact a developmental paediatrician for the same. You can also consult respective RCI registered therapists.


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