Hearing loss is basically a loss of hearing. Can happen at any stage in life. It has multiple causes. From hereditary to infections like mumps, measles, rubella. It is of 3 types: sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. It can be of various degrees, from mild to profound.


  • Inconsistent response to sounds may respond only to loud sounds.
  • High dependency on gestural commands. Unable to understand pure verbal commands
  • Have difficulty following instructions in noisy/group environment
  • May frequently ask for repetitions Have difficulty localizing the sound source


  • Inability to learn or delay in acquiring babbling and jargon stage.
  • Communicate in gestures
  • Errors in saying sounds (tit for sit, tat for cat)
  • Play with peers, cognition, understanding is not affected.
  • Difficulty in imitating words or sounds but not gestures


  • Hearing loss can be congenital (by birth) or acquired (due to an illness or infection), can be in one ear or both ears.
  • Some types of it can be prevented by vaccinations to the mother during pregnancy and to the child post-birth. (Prevents chances of MMR)
  • There is a high probability of hearing loss in case of family history or consanguinous marriage.


  • Hearing aids and cochlear implants are the available rehabilitation options
  • Auditory training is required after fitting a hearing device
  • Speech-language therapy helps in the acquisition of verbal language
  • Sign language is also an option.

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